On April 14th and 15th will take place the 1st International Conference on Written Corrective Feedback in L1 and L2 (WCF23), organized by the ELBEC research group members in collaboration with GLOSSA research group form the University of Vic. The conference is in part financed by the projects “Mestres i retroacció correctiva escrita / Teachers and written corrective feedback” (2020ARMIF 0025, Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Business Department, Generalitat de Catalunya), PIRE2021 (Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya), and the Grants for the organization of activities in the field of scientific dissemination and research training at the UVic-UCC (Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer). The conference counts on the presence of four leading international experts in written corrective feedback: Dana Ferris (University of California, Davis, USA), Roy Lyster (McGill University, Canada), Rosa Manchón (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) and Hossein Nassaji (University of Victoria, Canada)
You will find information about the conference: https://www.wcf23.org/
Here you will find the program: https://www.wcf23.org/program
Information about the plenaries: https://www.wcf23.org/plenaries-plen%C3%A0ries-plenarias