Imperfect Spanish Meanings Acquisition by Advanced Russian Learners. Evidence from Acceptability Judgments Data

  • Publication type:Article
  • Journal:Círculo de Lingüística aplicada a la comunicación
  • Year:2021
  • DOI:
  • Elbec members involved:Iban Mañas, Elisa Rosado

This study explores the difficulties on grammatical representation descriptions of Spanish Imperfect meanings by 54 first language Russian learners of Spanish with advanced proficiency levels and a control group of 18 Spanish native speakers. The results from the on-line acceptability judgments task the participants carried out indicated that interpretations of aspectual meanings typical of the Spanish Imperfect had been formed in the non-native speaker’s grammar. Moreover, a general tendency to over-accept non-adequate Preterite sentences was observed in non-native Spanish speaker groups. Furthermore, the findings revealed that progressive meaning represented a greater challenge for Russian learners of Spanish with upper-intermediate proficiency level, whereas at more advanced levels the perceptions of this meaning became closer to that of Spanish native speakers. However, the accuracy and sensitivity scores on lexical aspectual classes evidenced a persistent difficulty for non-native speakers in non-prototypical lexical-grammatical aspect combinations, which suggested a possible remaining effect of L1 transfer.