Narrative discourse in children with Developmental Language Disorder: profile and stimulation

  • Publication type:Article
  • EDS:
  • Journal:Llengua, Societat i Comunicació
  • Publishing house:
  • Year:2020
  • DOI:
  • Elbec members involved:Alondra Camus, Paula Resina, Melina Aparici
  • Associated project:Healthcare practices: creation of an online videoconference bank for the Speech Therapy degree

The development of narrative discourse is a good indicator of children’s linguistic competence and shows a strong correlation with linguistic and academic performance. Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) show multiple difficulties in various aspects of narrative production and comprehension, which affect theircommunicative skills and may affect their learning in school. The implementation of interventional programs focused on enhancing narrative skills results in significant changes in students with narrative difficulties, in such a way that implementing theseprograms would be useful not only for developing linguistic proficiency but also for boosting academic performance.